small kids, BIG adventures. Night or day… oh, these two!
Long week already yet still, we had a plan. So, right after Zala’s first bike training of the season, we jumped on the road at 6pm Friday night driving back to Savinja valley…
LUKA: Lights on. Walking in beautiful Logarska Dolina. We are walking through blades of moonlight. Around one hour or so in blackness with only my headlamp to look around. The moon is shining through the tall trees making shadows. Step by step walking and listening to the clear river trickling through the rocks and boulders. Trickling water was the only sound. As we got close to Rinka waterfall we could hear the pounding of the water on rocks. We crossed an epic bridge over the river that was bouncing like a trampoline. We made it to a steep, rocky, and very slippery section. There were rock-like steps as high as my waist. We were half climbing and half walking getting closer to Savinja spring. We took a sip of the clearest water and though we were very tired, we knew we only had 20 more mins to walk. All of a sudden we were in a knee-high snow walking through this amazing forest with tree roots on top of boulders making it look like an octopus holding a rock in its eight arms. We decided to turn our headlamps off and walk only in the moonlight. When we noticed the faint light of the GRS hut straight ahead we turn our headlamps on again and, almost sleepwalking, we made it to the Frischaufov Dom na Okrešlju. The only thought in my head was “when can I climb into bed and fall asleep?” But we met a really cool hut keeper Beli who gave us Okrešelj medals for making it up there at 11pm at night! We finally made it to bed - good night.
Next day we skinned up towards Savinjsko sedlo. It started raining a bit, the snow was heavy and wet but we still made some good turns and had an awesome time!
Our tree - Naše drevo!